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Strategies for Human Resource Development
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- This book x-rayed various strategies of human resource development and teachers’ tasks performance. Human resource development was explained as a systematic process of training individuals by which they gain, apply knowledgeable insight and attitude to manage organization and work effectively. It is the integrated use of training, organization and career development efforts to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness. On the other hand, teachers’ task performance is viewed as the extent teachers carry out their assigned responsibilities in terms of knowledge of subject matter and lessons delivery in the classroom. The development of teachers is very paramount since a teacher cannot teach what he/she doesn’t know. More so, students’ academic performance seems to depend on teachers input. An educational organization may have teachers with the ability, determination, appropriate teaching equipment and managerial support yet performance falls below expected standards. The missing factor in many cases is the lack of adequate skills, and knowledge, which is acquired through training and retraining after employment. HRD program develops the key competencies that enable individuals in organization to perform current and future job through planned learning activities.
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- Author: Dr. Stella Chinenye Obuakor
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Eduxcel Resource
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