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The book Catch the Little Foxes Destroying Your
Marriage is a book written to call the attention of would-be, the recently
married and those who have married for a time to the ever – present
dangers little fox-like issues pose to their marriage relationship. It
went forward to show readers that these problems are not new. People in
Biblical times fought with their own foxes, they overcame and thus enjoyed
their marriages. Their life and time sets for us examples to follow and
principles to adopt if we will see harmony in our marriage relationships.
- Edition: FIRST
- Language: ENGLISH
The Song of Solomon is a book of poetry. Its celebration and focus on
marital and romantic love between young couples are legendary. Though the book
is written in prose, its expressions unearth principles that throw up the revelation
of God’s wisdom for the married life. However, the reality of most marriages is
that the ship of romance and love does not always sail smoothly. It is this
reality that the Shulamite saw, and intuitively cried out a warning to her beloved,
“Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyard, for our
vineyard are in bloom” (Song of Solomon 2: 15).
Foxes love to eat grapes, and when a vine owner allows them to roam
freely, they cause large and painful damages. The Shulamite’s vineyard, like those
for most of us, was her marriage. The foxes she mentioned may be little but
these “little things” causes big damages or problems within the marriage. Thus
there is need for couples to examine their day-to-day married life situations
in order to see how these “little foxes” which weakens their togetherness,
corrupt their intimacies, and nib away at the root of their love, are admitted.
Such admittance leads to the destruction of the foundations of marriage and the
collapse of its structures.
This book is therefore written to help you as couples to uncover issues
aiding fox attacks. You will discover the kind of foxes that are plaguing your family,
especially those fostered on couples by societal norms, cultural demands, and
materialism, among many other categories, in your marriage relationships. The book
is aimed at resourcing couples with valuable information, through understudying
fox-like situations in the life of Biblical characters. You will sift and sort
consequences, attitudes, and dispositions for living that can help you trounce “The
little foxes” that are rearing their ugly heads in your marriage right now.
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