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Rudiments of 21st Century teaching and learning Strategies is a book written to provide guidance, rationale and procedures  to educators on how to inculcate 21st century skills and competencies such as creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, problem solving and collaboration that advocates believe student should acquire to enable them thrive in today’s world. In view of complex modern life, acquisition of view of facts, knowledge and skill through a teacher-centred method is no longer adequate. Therefore, the students need to be adaptive, flexible and creative in order to adjust to the changing environment.

  • Edition: 1st Edition
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Joyce books
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  1. The 21st century strategies with its myriads of askance, discoveries, demands and needs begs to veneer away from the teacher-centered approach to learner-oriented technique in which the learner learns by participating to ease tension and be motivated to carry out both personal and group work to attract and sustain divergent learning.

21st century strategy inculcates skills  and competencies such as creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, problem solving and collaboration that advocates believe student should acquire to enable them thrive in today’s world. In view of complex modern life, acquisition of view of facts, knowledge and skill through a teacher-centred method is no longer adequate. Therefore, the students need to be adaptive, flexible and creative in order to adjust to the changing environment.

Strategies used in teaching can stimulate or kill interest and zeal to learn. As a matter of fact, what a child learns depends not only on what he is taught but on how he is taught. Teaching strategies vary considerably, while some teachers lecture, others demonstrate or discuss, some focus on principles and others on application, some emphasize memorization and others understanding.

Conversely, students learn in many ways; e.g. seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and memorizing, drawing analogies and building models.

The extent of a content area students learn in a class is not only determined in part by the students’ ‘native’ ability and prior preparation but also by the compatibility of learning styles and teachers’ teaching methods.

The observed poor performance in our schools today may be attributed to a number of factors; one of which is the use of only the traditional, teacher-centred strategies in teaching the subject.

The traditional methods are  the hitherto existing methods of teaching in the normal classroom setting. These methods make the learning class dull and leave the learner passive, with no opportunity to practice the learnt concepts.

They inhibit the development of processes that produce knowledge. The students are less motivated and are unable to effectively use the learnt concept in solving daily life problems, the lecture method does not stimulate students’ innovation, inquiry and scientific interests. It encourages students to cram facts which are easily forgotten.

In the traditional strategies, teaching is always emphasized rather than learning. It uses mechanical learning process and where teacher is usually the custodian of knowledge and information giver

This obvious reality engendered a recent agitation for a paradigm shift in the methods of teaching, where learning will be emphasized and this has given birth to a group called constructivist.

Constructivist theorists posit that knowledge is not given but constructed by the learner.      

Hence, it is through interaction with people, environment and relating concepts to what the learners already know that learners experience things, reflect on these experiences and by so doing they construct knowledge.



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